Saturday 26 May 2007

My Maternal Grandmother's Maternal Grandmother

I think she looks decidedly funny in this photo!

Monday 30 April 2007

It's Been Ages

Yes it has been ages.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, whichever way you want too look at it), I think you, Daniel Hill, are the only one who ever looks at my blog. So in acknowledgement of your devotion I dedicate this post to you. (I hope Jane doesn't mind!)

My Friend Daniel:

(Ok so I stole the pic from your blog, it was better than any I had)
If anyone else actually reads my blog you must check out Daniel's: it's quite funny and interesting!

Tuesday 23 January 2007

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell is a wonderful painter who can tell a story in one painting,
A day in the life of a little girl
The boys seem to have been playing rough, what fun it must've been then!
A Game of Basketball
This one looks like it's the same boys but in a different sport
A Game of Baseball

Monday 22 January 2007

My Cuz and Me

Just looking at me you wouldn't guess I was part Egyptian but next to my cousin Mark (very Christian Egyptian name by the way) it might seem I'm realted to someone from the Middle East; that is if you do believe our Mothers are sisters!

On A Bench With An Umbrella

Cary Grant

I'm a Old Time Movie lover so I'll pop in from time to time with an actor or movie from the Golden Oldies Era.

Cary Grant isn't exactly my favourite but he's pretty good, the best movies I like him in are:

Bringing Up Baby
To Catch A Thief
North by Northwest
Topper (He dies very early on in this one but he stays in the story)
My Favourite Wife (He gets two wives, very funny situation!)
His Girl Friday
The Philadelphia Story (remake: High Society)
Talk Of The Town (Good sprinkling of Law philosophy)
Arsenic And Old Lace (It's unpleasant to have a murderer for a brother, then again it's worse to find out that your two sweet aunts are also murderers!)
The Bishop's Wife (the Bishop's Anglican; I think it would've been better if he swapped characters with David Niven)
I Was A Male War Bride
People Will Talk
Father Goose (He talks with some Aussies, supposedly)

Sunday 21 January 2007

Swing Kids

Just watched this movie last night, it's really great, set in the 1930's in Germany.

For more info check this site:

Friday 19 January 2007

Witty Quotes

I just love some of Chesterton's witty one liners, here are a few:

"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions."

"Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference, which is an elegant name for ignorance."

"An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered."

There'll be some more for you later!!!

My First Post!

Gee I don't know what to say, it's my first post so it's got to be memorable and witty.


I got absolutely nothing...
...ah me...
I'll just have to be satisfied with this.